Monday, September 21, 2009
It's about time!
Hey, everybody! It's time for an update! So here's the deal: I'm still working at the law firm scanning and doing all sorts of things. It's really interesting and I learn a lot about the world of law and the beings who inhabit it. In more important, more romantic news, Christy and I were married on June 6th! We are loving the married life! I tell people it's kinda like culture shock in that I come from one tribe and she comes from another and when our customs mix, it's very interesting. I'm learning a lot of new ways to do things though. I love living with my buddy, she is so sweet to me. We're very good for each other in that she kicks my rear in gear and I downshift the gear that her rear is in when she's speeding and has no breaks in life. We're also learning a lot about insects. Our apartment is a haven for ants and spiders of all shapes and sizes. We're just grateful to have a home though. Life is going very very well and we are enjoying every minute of it.