Elder Dimick has been in the field for 3 1/2 months now and he's doing great! He is such a hard worker, and he is really loving the people and the gospel. He spent the first 3 months in Illinois. Here he is, working hard:
This is one of my favorite stories from him:
"Whenever we call our mission president with a date, its a really fun and awesome experience. The reason it is, is because you would expect him to be serious business most of the time. He loves a good time though. Whenever we call President Hutchings to tell him we set another baptismal date, we just tell him we have something to ask him, ( the first time we asked him, what do we do when somebody wants to get baptized? ) and after we say that to him, we just start screaming in the phone! Its awesome! It doesn't even make sense why we would do this but we just start scream/cheering in the phone and he does it back! It is one of the most ridiculously awesome things ever!"
A month ago he got to do his first baptism, which he was very excited about:
"We decided I would be the one to tell President Hutchings about it. So I called him and I said hey president, I have a question. I said it in a semi-serious voice (we love making him worry over nothing) and then I asked, "what should I do if someone wants to get baptized?" And he replied something along the lines of, "Well Elder, tell them no, its too much paper work and it makes the water bill go up and it is just way too much work for all of us." I love him ! He loves joking around with us as well, and after that we did the normal screaming at each other in excitement. "
Last week he finally made it to Tennessee! He became a trainer and district leader! In his last email he said,
"Last Wednesday I heard about a guy passing away who was in our ward. The guy had been less-active for awhile, and it made me so sad that I wasn't able to bring him back to church. About a week before he passed away, he called us and told us that he wanted to feed us if we were ever around his house. We never got to see him because of how things worked out, and it was really sad that he was less-active. It kind of opened up my eyes, and made me realize that we need to really repent daily, and always be reading to go back to our home with God. A talk in general conference I heard, someone said that a person who is afraid to die, or thinks it will come too soon, is a person who is not living life how they should be. Do all of you feel like you are able to meet the Savior today, with how you are in life?"
We are so proud of him! Thanks for all the prayers and support!