Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Night in Naples

So, this evening, we (Steve, Ashley, Christy and I) decided to go take a nice little walk around Naples, Long Beach.

The residents of Naples have a tradition of decking out their houses and making them look like the Christmas spirit threw up all over them. Some houses look really cute, while some houses lean more towards the creepy side.

It's always nice to see how creative some of the residents are. Christy's camera doesn't have that great of a night setting, so just use your imaginations. The picture directly below is an umbrella skeleton decorated with lights. Very clever!

Clever wordplay here:

Remember how I said some of the houses lean more towards the creepy side? Well, this house is an excellent example of what I was talking about. Could you imagine coming downstairs for some water in the middle of the night? I would never go downstairs until it was daylight, those things look scary.

Some more creepy dolls. They were actually running at us in this picture, that's why it's so blurry.

So, the drainage in Naples isn't that great. Let's say you leave your sprinklers on for a little too long or it rains; Well, due to lack of draining, you usually end up with a nice little puddle such as the one seen below:

I had to manuever a potted plant in order for Christy to climb along a wall. Steve used the more direct, 'romantic' approach:

All in all we had a very enjoyable night, despite the fact I kinda got us lost and we had to walk for miles to get to our car. It was definitely worth it!


  1. That's hilarious and looks like you guys had a lot of fun. The pic of Steve and Ashley is killing me that is to great!

  2. Sorry we missed it...too tired. But it's just as well, considering you got lost. Second time for the Smith crew to get lost in Naples. Anyway, loved your documentation of the creepy and non-creepy decor...seen through your's always a delight!
    Love this post. Do more- you make me laugh.

  3. I can't handle any of this! I mostly can't handle that room full of dolls and stuffed animals. that made me way nervous! I also can't handle Steve lifting Ashley like that! SO FUNNY! I loved every second of it! Sad we missed it too!
    please say you guys are coming to grandmas Christmas breakfast?

  4. Scott is going to the breakfast but I have work :(

  5. I look at this blog if I ever need a pick me up....soooo funny!

  6. we missed you at breakfast today Christy! :(

    I had to come back to this blog for a good laugh!
