Monday, March 29, 2010


As we were grocery shopping tonight, Scott decided that he needed fruit. He doesn't like fruit so this was a little strange, but every now and then I guess his body needs the vitamins and he craves it. But since he doesn't like actual fruit he was trying to get every kind of juice the store had. Then we went into the produce section and he sees this:

This is a kiwano. And it's weird. The sign says that it doesn't bruise, that it is sweet and tart and that it tastes like a banana and a cucumber. And it's $2.99 a piece, so I said no way, what if it's gross? But he really wanted to try it. So...

Here is Scott with his new favorite thing. Also, notice the mustache that only has a few more days with us.

We bought the thing and cut it open, not sure what we would find...

But really not expecting this. Now what? Well, we just paid 3 bucks for the thing, so now it's time to figure out how to eat it!

Ok, this thing is seriously weird. First, it's majorly gelatinous. I mean, you could hold it upside-down and it would stay put. Also, it's mostly seeds. There's not much fruit to speak of at all. So, like any good man, Scott figures out a way to eat it!

It doesn't taste like cucumbers at all. It does taste like bananas, but it also tastes like kiwis. And like seeds. And, just to save you all the trouble, it is so not worth all the work!


  1. I love this post! I've always seen those in the store and wondered what they were like. Thanks!

  2. Very adventurous! Thank you for saving me the experience!
    P.S. Your stash is awesome Scott, thanks for bringing awareness to an important issue.

  3. crazy!
    hey, christy what is your new blog address again? roses are red?

  4. Just kidding! It's
