Thursday, December 15, 2011

12 weeks

Penny is 12 weeks old now- where has the time gone?? She is a really good baby and seriously the funnest toy we've ever had.

She is LOUD. She sleeps loudly and eats loudly and is always talking and making noises- when she doesn't get her way she YELLS at us. I don't think I will appreciate that much when she's older but right now it's so cute all we can do is laugh.

She is miles of smiles!

This is her goofy smile- tongue out and one eye closed.

She has decided that she is going to be a finger-sucker- like her mom. She's getting good at soothing herself and will suck on her finger or her whole fist when she's upset. She's still not very coordinated and sometimes she will get both fists up in the air in front of her and just stare at them, like she is willing one to get in her mouth.

At her last checkup (2 weeks ago) she was 12lbs 8oz and 24 1/2 inches- she is already tall!

She's turning into a good sleeper- she sleeps 9-9 (more or less) and wakes up once or twice to eat, and for the rest of the day her schedule is pretty much up an hour, sleep for an hour. She is also getting used to her own bed and will most of the time go to sleep in it without much fuss.
But still loves to sleep on Mommy or Daddy :)

She hated tummy time at first- when I would put her on her tummy she would just scream at me. But now she is getting used to it and will even give me smiles.
She is so strong! She's getting really good at holding up her head and can hold herself up on her elbows pretty well.

Everyday is a joy with this one!

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