Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Love to Read

Penny loves books! (In case you can't tell by the millions of pictures I have taken of her with them)
She holds the book while I am reading and will even turn the pages!

I have tried very hard to get it on video but it never works out.

As Scott and I are both avid readers, we are so excited about this!

This is a book about hearts I was reading to her at the doctor's:
Terrible, huh?

She also thinks anything that glows is wonderful.

We don't let her watch TV but if she is in the same room as it, she will wiggle herself around until she can see it.

She still hates tummy time. She will be like this for usually about the first 3 minutes of it:

But quickly turns into this:
She has found her thumb!

And loves it.

She also loves her dolly:

And we love her.


  1. and we love her too! Those book pictures are tooo cute!!!

  2. She is so adorable! I love her little smile!

  3. That pic of her with the dolly is TOO CUTE! Miss you guys. COME OVER. And bring that dip. :)
