Friday, February 17, 2012

I Made This

Again, thank you, Pinterest. I saw an idea similar to this mail sorter, and made it my own.
Can you tell the reason I had to make these, based on whose box is overflowing?

Again, this cost me $0 to make. They are cereal boxes, cut to the right dimensions, covered with scrapbook paper (you could also use fabric or wrapping paper), with clothespins hot-glued to the front to hold anything important.

And now, Scott and I are not moving little piles of mail back and forth all over the house!


  1. Oh no, Christy! You put your mail in my box again???

  2. Scott, I think everyone who reads this blog knows us well enough to not believe that. Nice try.


  3. OBSESSED with these!!! You are killing me with the cereal boxes! What in the world!

    Ya, nice try scott!!

  4. I really need to make some of those! We are constantly moving piles of mail around the house and it drives me crazy.

  5. So creative and useful, Christy. Very good idea for your household.

  6. Holy crap... you're a genius! I have been trying to figure out a solution to a similar "sort" of problem for ages... and to think cereal is the answer (again!)

  7. How did you attach here to the wall?
