Tuesday, March 13, 2012

There is Sunshine in My Soul Today

Today Penny had a mini photo shoot in our living room. She got this adorable stuffed whale that she loves and that I thought would be a great prop for some photos, and I decided it was time to take a few pictures, since she is growing up right before our eyes!

Again, sorry about my crappy camera. My dream is to own a nice DSLR, but that is just a dream right now.

This one cracks me up:

I know this one is super blurry but it was so funny I had to post it.The adorable stuffed whale was a gift from Aunt Sandy. She got it from one of the very talented vendors at the boutique last weekend. The flower hairclip is from Aunt Sarah and the bow is from Aunt Heidi.


  1. She's SO cute! I got one of those whales for Parker last Sat too!

  2. dying. i love her and her cute face and cute whale! Thank you for coming. It was so fun! I wish I would have gotten a picture of Penelope with my Penelope Lane sign!!! urg!

  3. SO cute! I love her facial expressions! She is darling!

  4. SO cute! I love her facial expressions! She is darling!
