Thursday, June 7, 2012

Books Worth Reading

I am an avid reader, and I am always looking for a good book! (or 3)  I know a lot of you are too, so I decided to start sharing some of my favorite reads with you, and hopefully you will share some of your favorites with me!

First though, a tip for any of you who love E-books but don't like spilling your savings on them (and want to keep it legal): LA County libraries (and probably most other libraries) have E-books!  You have to go in to a branch to sign up for a library card, but once you do you can just go online and check out E-books all day long!  They are available in Kindle format and/or E-pub, which is compatible on iPhones, you just have to download their free reader.

OK, onto the books:


I realize that I am behind the game on a lot of these books, but maybe some of you are, too.  Either way, if you need a good book to read, check out one of these.  I put them in order of my favorites.  Good reading, and please share your favorites with me!!


  1. Hey, I know Scott from his home-ward. Just wanted to let you know that your blog and pictures are adorable! Scott sure is a good daddy! Your writing is fun, too. I feel like blogging reveals the author's 'voice'.
    Anyway, thanks for sharing the book ideas! My husband is always reading the youth fiction - and he hasn't read 2 of these! I just reserved them for him at the library :) Have your read the Inheritance (by Paolini) series? And O.S. Card's Ender series? Those are some of his favorites.

  2. Thanks, Katie! I have read the Ender series but have not read The Inheritance Series, I will check it out!
