I hadn't planned on doing a 10-month post, but Penny has had so many changes lately, I felt like I should document them.
She is 10 months going on 2 years! She has learned to throw tantrums, and will throw her head back and yell/cry/whine when she doesn't get what she wants. Luckily it doesn't last long, but it makes me worry for what is coming. I definitely don't enjoy the behavior, but there is something exciting about it (and sad), because it means she is turning from a baby into a child.
Wearing her Aunt Sandy's overalls from when she was a baby.
Penny also seems to be growing up a lot in terms of her speech. She tries to mimic everything we say, and if you tell her to say something she will at least try. For example, a couple of days ago, I spilled a large bowl of tzatziki sauce on the seat in my car, and said, "Crap, crap, crap!" And then Penny said, "Crap!" Yes, she said 'crap' before she said 'mama'. BUT, yesterday, she did say "Mama"! I think she said it to try and get out of taking a nap, and it almost worked.
On Monday, we went to the Larsens' for family night and Kellie read her girls a bedtime story, which Penny thought was really funny.
Unfortunately, the video cut out. But on every page, this book says "Oops!" And every time Gwen said it, Penny thought it was hilarious. Scott thinks she is saying "Christy" right before she laughs.
She also is getting really good at standing on her own, although hasn't tried taking any steps yet. We have a small chest of drawers in our closet that Penny uses to pull herself up. A few days ago she was playing with it while I was around the corner getting dressed. I heard a THUMP and when I ran to check on her, this is what I found:
She thought it was really funny.
One of Penny's favorite things is playing in the dirt. She could do it all day. She goes through the garden and picks up the dirt clumps and squeezes them til they crumble apart.
She also loves the beach, she thinks the sand is really fun and she likes the water too, as long as it's not too cold.
This is her friend AJ, who is the son of my friend, Shelly. Shelly and I were best friends in elementary school and then lost touch through moves, but recently reconnected. It's so fun to get together again, especially since we now have kids just a few months apart.
Penny is such a joy in our lives and we are so lucky to have her! We can't believe that our little baby will be a year old in just a couple of months!
She is so cute!