Monday, August 20, 2012

OC Zoo

A couple of weeks ago we went on a family outing to the Orange County Zoo.  We needed some quality family time since it was 2 days before I left to be a counselor at Girls' Camp.  I made sure to take lots of pictures of my favorite two people to bring with me.

If you haven't been to the OC Zoo, you should go!  It's in the middle of Irvine Park, which has lots of other things to do. It's a small zoo and is perfect for little kids, and it only costs 2 bucks to get in (And there is a coupon online for a BOGO on weekdays!).  We were lucky enough to be there during feeding time for the mountain lions (which is at 11:00).  It was really fun- the keepers fed them meat balls and made them do tricks, like grabbing onto the chain link fence with all 4 paws, to get their food.  Since mountain lions sleep about 20 hours a day, I highly recommend going during this time.

Penny loved watching the big kitties.

And then, who do we run into, but Scott's cousin, Kacey!  She has 2 little boys (and has a little girl on the way!), the younger of which is 3 weeks older than Penny.  We got some really cute pictures of them.  I especially love the first one:

"Hey, you wanna hold hands?"

"No, my daddy says I'm not allowed to."
"Well, I guess it's ok, since we're cousins."

Meanwhile, Easton just does his own thing.

It was a good thing we had such a great weekend together, because although I had a really fun week, Penny got sick (ear infection with a fever of 104) and Scott had a nervous breakdown!


  1. It was so fun seeing you guys there! Those pictures of Penny and Parker are cracking me up! I hope Penny is feeling better now, poor girl. And poor Scott!

  2. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow!!! I want to hear every detail of every single day since the last time I saw you. :) That is so fun that you saw kc there. Those pics of the kids are adorable.

  3. We love the OC zoo. There is so much to see for the price. The last time we went the mountain lion cubs were stalking eachother. AJ thought it was funny to see the kitties play.

  4. Shelly- That is so awesome!! I would love to see that.
